Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pach-Attack: How much is Microsoft paying Sony?

Sony, Phillips, and Panasonic are at the top

Here are the royalty rates

BD Player $ 9.00
BD Recorder $ 12.00
BD Player (in vehicle) $ 9.00

PC Drives Royalty Rate (USD)
BD Playback Drive $ 7.00
BD Combi Drive $ 8.00
BD Recorder Drive $ 9.00

BD Software Royalty Rate (USD)
BD Playback Software $ 2.00
BD Playback Software (plug-in) $ 1.60
Bundled BD Playback Software $ 1.25
BD Combi Software $ 2.50
Bundled BD Combi Software $ 1.50
BD Recorder Software $ 3.00
BD Recorder Software (plug-in) $ 2.40
Bundled BD Recorder Software $ 1.75
BD Recording Only Software $ 2.00
BD Recording Only Software (plug-in) $ 1.60
Bundled BD Recording Only Software $ 1.25

BD Software Bundled with Aftermarket BD-Capable Drive Royalty Rate (USD)
Software with Aftermarket BD Recorder Drive $ 1.75
Software with Aftermarket BD Combi Drive $ 1.50
Software with Aftermarket BD Playback Drive $ 1.25

PC with pre-installed BD software Royalty Rate (USD)
PC with pre-installed BD software and no BD Drive $ 1.50
PC with pre-installed BD software and BD Playback Drive* ** $ 1.25
PC with pre-installed BD software and BD Combi Drive* ** $ 1.50
PC with pre-installed BD software and BD Recorder Drive* ** $ 1.75

Pre-recorded discs Royalty Rate (USD)
BD Data Disc $ 0.0725
BD Movie Disc $ 0.0975

Recordable discs Royalty Rate (USD)
BD-R Disc $ 0.1075
BD-RE Disc $ 0.135
BDXL-R Disc $ 0.13
BDXL-RE Disc $ 0.16


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