Saturday, July 14, 2012

Despite Obama Warnings, I Went To Las Vegas. | The Conservative ...

That?s right folks. ?I ran off to Las Vegas this last weekend, and I was happy to give President Obama the proverbial finger by ignoring so many of his and his intrusive wife?s warnings about how to live my life in doing so.

Oops. ?I did it anyway.

I Spent Money!

Shhh! ?Don?t tell the Anti-President, but I went to Las Vegas and spent money. ?Given what he?s done to the economy, not to mention me not being rich and being from the People?s Republic of California, where everything costs more thanks to taxes and regulation, it was money I could barely afford to divert from the essentials. ?But I went anyway.

One odd thing I did was go bowling. ?It?s not very expensive, it kills time between buffets and slot binges and Las Vegas has some of the best real bowling alleys around, which are very hard to find these days in California. ?A big thumbs up to South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa for helping a Southern California boy redneck it up a little.

By the way, if you?re a redneck reading this, that is not meant as an insult. ?Bad shoes, lousy balls, cigarette smoke, beers in plastic cups and nachos = a good time in my book any day. ?It?s hard to find in the land of Whole Foods and sushi bars on every corner, so when I say redneck it is not with condescension, it is with envy.

South Point Hotel, Casino, and Spa?s 64-lane bowling paradise.

Of course, I also did the usual stuff.

I gambled. ?I bought souvenirs. ?I had to pay for gas that cost twice as much as it did when Obama took office. ?I ate fast food?and?a buffet. ?That reminds me?..

I Ate A Lot?Of Food!

I ate Krispy Kreme donuts in a casino.

The impulse food ?highway of death.? Krispy Kreme, Popcornopolis, Auntie Anne?s Pretzels and Coldstone Creamery. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I ate a lot of fast food. ?I ate at a buffet, and I ate until I couldn?t eat any more. ?I two-fisted sugary drinks and fatty foods. ?I had desserts. ?And more desserts. ?And I enjoyed it.

Oh my. The food. The glorious food!

I had a few (dozen) sodas.

Hey Bloomberg! ?Ban this!

Enough sugary drink to make Bloomberg cry in his herbal tea.

I stopped in at the Las Vegas Bass Pro Shops?and?picked up some Uncle Buck?s Bacon Jerky. ?And it was?good. ?Here?s to you, Moochelle.

Yummy, yummy death in a bag. More please.

I Was Not Friendly To ?The Planet!?

I took really long hot showers?after taking long hot baths. ?I left lights on when I left the room. ?I left televisions on when I wasn?t watching. ?I set the thermostats in the room to 68 degrees for two straight days whether I was there or not. ?I even got ice from the ice machine and didn?t use it all.

I Was Subjected To Second-Hand Smoke!

That?s right, libs. ?You can still smoke in casinos in Las Vegas. ?And they do a lot of it. ?I love it.

Where?s Rob Reiner when you really need him?

Bear in mind that I do not smoke. ?Also bear in mind that I have asthma and a lot of allergies when it comes to airborne particles. ?And I walk into a casino, take a deep breath, suck in that cigarette and cigar smoke and I revel in it. ?It?s awesome that people can still smoke somewhere without the Smoking Gestapo trying to treat them like ax murderers. ?So even though I personally don?t really enjoy it and I know it?s bad for my lungs, the smell of smoke in a casino is like hearing the National Anthem at a ballgame to me.

It means there?s still some America left. ?It means there are still pockets of freedom left in Obamaville.

What Happens In Vegas Should Not?Stay In Vegas.

Because what happens in Vegas is?freedom. ?People smoke if they want to. ?They drink. ?They gamble. ?They eat. ?And yes, many of them should probably do a lot less of all of those things, including me. ?But we have the?right?to do them in Las Vegas without question.

What we have the unfettered ability to do in Las Vegas we should?demand the right to do?everywhere?in what used to be the ?land of the free.? ?We shouldn?t say ?wow, look what you can do in Vegas,? but instead we should say ?what the hell happened in this country that I can?t do that?here.?

If we want to eat bad food, spend money we don?t really have, drink like fish and smoke like chimneys (or just breath it in), it is our right to do so.

And Barack ?100 rounds of golf? Obama and his Food Nazi wife should keep their Marxist noses out of it.


Tags: bowling, casinos, Food Nazis, Freedom, Las Vegas, Obama, Smoking Gestapo, South Point


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